We warmly welcome Geshe Sherabs' return to CTCT on Sunday mornings August 14 & 21 9 am AEST

Completing the Six Perfections presentation started in October 2021 ~ Online only - NOW COMPLETED

AUGUST 14 & 21 Sessions ~ available now on CTCT Youtube

You can find the recordings of the previous sessions on CTCT Youtube
The Six Perfections overview reference HERE
REGISTRATION is required to receive the online session links - everyone is welcomed - Suitable for all levels of interest and also even if you have not attended the previous sessions.
Each session will comprise topic discourse, guided meditation, and Q&A ( if time allows)
Recommended resources for our preparations


The six perfections are as follows:

  1. Charity / Generosity
  2. Morality / Ethical Discipline
  3. Patience 
  4. Perseverance 
  5. Concentration / Mental Stability 
  6. Wisdom / Discriminating Wisdom 

5. Mental Stability (Concentration) Sunday, August 14 - 9 am-10.30 am AEST

Mental stability (concentration) is a state of mind totally free from mental wandering, dullness and emotional upset. Its benefits are:

  • It enables us to stay focused on whatever we’re doing, so we can avoid mistakes and accidents.
  • It helps us to overcome stress and anxiety and being over-excited, spaced-out, or emotionally agitated.
  • It allows us to focus on what others are saying and how they’re behaving, so we can see better how to help them.

6. Discriminating Awareness (Wisdom) Sunday August 21 - 9am-10.30 am AEST 

Discriminating awareness (wisdom) is the state of mind that differentiates correctly and with certainty between what is appropriate and inappropriate, and what is correct and incorrect. Its benefits are:

  • It allows us to see clearly and correctly what to do and how to behave in any particular situation, stopping us from doing something we’ll later regret.
  • It helps us to overcome indecision and confusion.
  • It enables us to evaluate the situations of others accurately, so we know what to say and do that will be of most benefit.
Registration is required to receive the Online Link to join each session