The heart wish and vision of Chag Tong Chen Tong Centre, is to work towards providing easily accessible  facilities and conducive environment,proficient Teachers and Retreat leaders for practioners' from all over the world to enjoy and benefit from Retreat, following on from all our many hours, many years  listening to and reading the teachings, it is in Retreat, either group or in solitude, where we experience the heart taste ...that sooner or later guides us to Enlightenment.


“Retreat is important because it involves retreating from ignorance, from the dissatisfied mind of attachment and from the self-cherishing thought. These are the fundamental forces from which one must retreat; this is the true meaning of meditation.”

- Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche

By supporting and attending the Retreat Program that CTCT offers you will directly be assisting us to actualize our heart wish. 

Thank you so very much in advance.