A puja consists of meditations, visualizations, and prayers, including taking refuge and generating bodhicitta, followed by an elaborate version of the seven limb practice: making prostrations and offerings, confessing one’s negativities, rejoicing in the good deeds of oneself and others, requesting the Buddhas to remain in samsara and teach, and dedicating the merits (positive energy) thus created. Mantras, praises, and requests are also usually recited.
The Eight Medicine Buddhas made special prayers to benefit beings of degenerate ages, hence in the sutric tradition this is considered one of the most powerful practices, which possesses the greatest and quickest blessings. This practice purifies and heals on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental.
The Fifth Dalai Lama emphasized so much, how Medicine Buddha Puja brings great prosperity and so much peace and happiness and fulfills all the wishes. All the wishes come true, especially spreading the Dharma.
We will be making special dedications on this day during the Puja and we invite you to send in the names of anyone you'd like to be added to our Dedication Prayer List - anyone who has passed away in the last 49 days or is in process of passing, any loved one friend or colleague who is experiencing ill health, sadness, discomfort or unfortunate circumstances needing our prayers - also any beloved pet
To have your dedication requests included please email us by this Friday 23rd Midday to
As Buddhist practitioners, we do not merely celebrate an ancient holiday. Of course, we recall the kindness of the Buddha and his great followers. Yet even more importantly, during this time devoted practitioners pay special attention to their conduct and their meditation. This month presents us with are a special opportunity to accumulate vast amounts of merit. That’s because, during this period, all activities generate karma that is one hundred thousand times stronger. The Tibetan name refers to the number “bum” meaning multiplying by 100,000 all our actions. And that multiplication applies also on auspicious days! In this way, as we practice, we truly can accumulate vast amounts of merit for the benefit of all beings.
A Tremendous opportunity All the great masters teach that we need to accumulate both merit and wisdom in order to attain awakening and truly benefit beings. Thus, we can rejoice in this tremendous opportunity in this first month of the new year to skillfully act and practice for all sentient beings. We can rejoice in our precious human rebirth, and rededicate and inspire ourselves to engage in activities that alleviate suffering and bring true happiness.