A glimpse of upcoming programs over the next few months for our interest and pursual - both initiated by CTCT

and by FPMT sister Centres and or other Dharma Organizations offering support for our study and practical day-to-day living - developing the good heart
The 2023 Sutra Study Forum with Sonam Thakchoe is being postponed until 2024 due to Sonams' full commitments this year.
PLEASE NOTE: Full details of resources and registration available soon for the following schedule of activities being presented as a combination of in-person and online participation
- Lamrim Year Monthly Study Group - commencing April 23
- Guru Rinpoche Prayers and Recitations - monthly meetings commencing April 30
- CTCT Annual Saka Dawa MANI one-month retreat - commencing May 20 - June 18 Postponed - New dates TBC
- Dharma Book Club - Details TBC
- Writing the HEART SUTRA in gold project - monthly meetings commencing May 14
- Mantra rolling Workshop ( for Statue Filling) - May 27 Postponed - New dates TBC
- Tsa Tsa ~ Guru Rinpoche~ Painting Workshop - June 25 TBC
- Geshe Tenzin Zopa Visit in person - Tour dates 10-17 JULY
CTCT Online Library Resource hopefully to be launched this winter ( Our wonderful and extensive choice of Library Books can be accessed and ordered online - and picked up and returned at CTCT Gompa )

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. asap and let us know your interest - we'd love to hear from you and share all the details involved.
- The 2023 Sutra Study Forum with Sonam Thakchoe is being postponed until 2024 due to Sonams' full commitments this year.
Please check the Calendar on the CTCT website for Puja day schedules for Tara and Medicine Buddha Practice days, Guru Rinpoche Days, and Mahakala and Palden Lhamo Protector Practice days ~ which occur intermittently, monthly and bi-monthly according to Lunar calendar dates
Highly recommended for a visit - we are sure you will find yourself returning and browsing again and again!
The Wisdom Experience - An extraordinary resource of books, courses, retreats, seminars, podcasts, and more
MARCH 25/26 - Geshe Tenzin Zopa is offering a 2-day Weekend Intensive Retreat which can be attended ONLINE
"Subduing the Self-Centered Mind - Opening our hearts to others". Details and ZOOM login HERE
This is streaming from Santa Fe New Mexico US - MT 10 am-4 pm - If you wish to attend live and interactive, the schedule is
AEDT : 3 am - 5 am - BREAK - 7 am - 9 am both Sunday 26 and Monday 27
If you wish to access the course at a time most suitable for you check TNL Youtube HERE after the event Due to these time differences we will not be joining live for in-person participation from CTCT Gompa
APRIL 1/2 - Geshe Thubten Sherab is offering a 2-day weekend intensive hosted by Hayagriva Buddhist Centre in Perth WA
"Exploring The Heart Sutra" - Livestreamed at CTCT Gompa for in-person participation - Check course details here
Due to the 3-hour time difference in WA - the following schedule is:
AEDT: 1 pm - 3 pm on both Saturday and Sunday - PARKING onsite for these sessions
For the evening sessions 5 pm - 8 pm, participants can register and receive the individual/personal zoom link HERE and or follow the full-weekend retreat from your home via this same registration process. Find out more about THe Heart Sutra HERE