An update from the Director: 

Dear CTCT Friends 

I have now returned from my visit to Nepal, Kopan Monastery, after participating in a very meaningful time in the Puja performed on April 13 commemorating the first anniversary, para nirvana of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and following the Heart Sutra Retreat led by His Eminence The 104th Ganden Tripa [ Current Head of the Gelug Lineage] It indeed was a very great privilege to join dharma brothers and sisters from all around the world as our FPMT family drew close to mark this auspicious occasion together.
Thank you for your sincere support
With great appreciation, I extend my thanks especially to all those friends of CTCT who contributed to our last Fundraiser ensuring the possibility for CTCT to directly make offerings towards the building of the Victory Stupa at Kopan, dedicated for Rinpoche's swift and unmistaken reincarnation, 
and also the support of the April 13th Puja and offerings to Kopan Sangha community generally and individually to the great beings, Lamas, Rinpoches and esteemed guests,  that attended during this Puja time, paying their respects.
Due to your generosity, CTCT was able to be represented fully and wholeheartedly for this special occasion - creating great positive potential for our connections to the Dharma to continue for the benefit of countless sentient beings.

It was a great fortune to meet with a much-loved spiritual friend, teacher of CTCT Geshe Thubten Sherab during this time at Kopan. Geshe-la sent his very best wishes to everyone at CTCT and also offered the following advice for us all - 
Geshela wanted to "emphasize the importance of coming together as a community and practicing together, enjoying each other's company with tea and meals and appreciating our connections to the dharma together - depending upon our friendships, nurturing these friendships because it is really very precious and rare and fosters great love.
Geshe-la is looking forward to his next visit with us early in 2025 and hopefully being able to have a little longer stay with us all at CTCT soon."
Also, it was my greatest fortune whilst at Kopan to have the opportunity to spend time with Geshe Tenzin Zopa - another beloved spiritual friend and teacher of CTCT. I felt extremely blessed to be included in a short Pilgrimage to Maratika Caves with Geshela and a small group of pilgrims. Dedication prayers were made for all CTCT Friends past present and future for long life and well-being at this most sacred site.
According to the late head of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Maratika is one of the six holiest places in this world, along with Bodhgaya in India, Manjushri’s Five-Peak Mountain and the Potala Mountain in China. The remaining two places have not been “opened” yet: Uddiyana and Shambhala. Some years ago, Lama Zopa Rinpoche wrote, “In the Maratika cave where Guru Rinpoche found immortal realization, all your prayers can succeed.” Read more
This was followed by an opportunity to visit Tsum Valley - again with a small group of pilgrims led enthusiastically by Geshe Zopa. We arrived at Rachen Nunnery by helicopter to fresh cool breezes, a relief from the hot and dusty lowlands of Kathmandu, surrounded by steep high mountains with snow-capped peaks and protected valleys, and there we took part in a very special occasion [planned to be during this 1st anniversary period] of blessing ceremony of the 1st stage foundations of the 80ft World Peace Stupa being created according to Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoches' wishes specifically expressed whilst he was in Tsum last year, just the day before showing the aspect of passing away. This Stupa is modeled on the Boudhnath Stupa 
So this is the heart project of Geshe Tenzin Zopa [the wish initially began in 2003 but not realized until now]carrying immense ramifications, to abound over countless years' to come in preserving and protecting the light of the Dharma, to touch the hearts and minds of sentient beings - it will develop into a place of very great and ever more meaningful pilgrimage site for the world for all lineages and peoples this remote and sacred beyul - Hidden Valley of Tsum in northwestern Nepal in the borderlands of Tibet.
All CTCT community were in our prayers and our activities were dedicated on your behalf whilst in Tsum 
FYI You may see many photos shared on CTCT Facebook page of the Stupa building project underway ~ 100s of donkeys walk for many days over many weeks - arriving daily into the remote valley - to deliver their burden of bags of cement from Kathmandu to the site.......50 helicopters flew in the steel needed ....villagers make gravel all day long and carry baskets of rock to the site - 25 + workers are there currently working around the clock every day to complete some works before the winter weather season causes a pause to activities......Geshe-la hopes it will be completed within less than 2 years.
What is a Beyul? ~ enjoy this wonderful explanation of the importance and significance of Beyul _ Sacred Hidden Valleys 
With many more tales [and images] to share with you all over a cup of tea in the coming weeks, I hope!
Warm wishes and endless thanks for your kind interest in preserving the Dharma and supporting the space for others to enjoy also
Hoping to meet again soon for the programs at CTCT over the coming months of June and July
Lindy Mailhot
Centre Director
Chag Tong Chen Tong Center is dedicated to cultivating wisdom and compassion through the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism.